Photo by Kristin Hoebermann

Photo by Kristin Hoebermann



As the “Brownstone Baritone” at Songs from The Ledge

“The hottest ticket in town!”
-The New York Post

“Call him the "“Brownstone Baritone”. Every week, Peter Kendall Clark gets on a stoop in Brooklyn and the magic begins!”
-CBS Inside Edition


“…perfectly cast as Fredrik. Handsome and with considerable dignity he clearly and unashamedly conveys the emotional helplessness of this poor man. He brings to the role a rich, strong voice and impeccable diction.”
-Broadway World

“…a rascally and irrepressible Top….
-The New York Times

“The impressive singers gave their all to the piece. The baritone Peter Kendall Clark brought gravity and earthy sound…”
-The New York Times

“… burly, good-looking foreman, Joe (the strong baritone Peter Kendall Clark)”
-The New York Times

“...most heartening…the articulate baritone Peter Kendall Clark…”
-The New York Times

“…a resonant Top”
- New York Times

“…a rafter-shaking voice”
-Broadway World

“…both as the stalwart veteran and the broken victim was stunning.”

-Classical Music Communications

“…a strapping, energetic Joe, and his soothingly sexy rendition of “Don’t Cry” was, in its own way, the most memorable vocal moment of the show.”
-Opera News

“….an admirable portrayal of John Adams. In addition to solid vocalism and crisp diction, Clark brought an expressive face and requisite abandon to his performance.”
-Opera News

“…a Sweeney Todd who not only sang gorgeously …but also displayed the dramatic range and comic timing…. to turn the blackness of the tale into something transcendent.”
- Tampa Bay Times

“...sings with sophistication in his mellow and colorful baritone.”

“…a debonair Dr. Falke….his handsome presence and onstage demeanor …was an absolute pleasure to the ear….Of all the actors, Clark’s diction was clearly the most succinct, whether speaking or singing.”
-Opera Today

“… firm baritone won sympathy for the swindled Mr. Gobineau.”’
-New York Post

“….combines a beautiful, accurate voice with a deliberately semi-creepy stage presence.”-Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee

“…glitters ….his rich baritone is consistently appealing…”

“...the interplay of high and bass registers in ‘Dies,nox et omnia’ demonstrated Clark's rich vocal palette.”
-Greenwich Times

“ exciting, ‘in-command’ voice that is very thrilling
-Daily Progress, Charlottesville

“…King Arthur Arthur had a serenity mixed with a genuine tenderness and a vulnerability that I found irresistible….”-Daily Progress, Charlottesville

‘…singing of the voice of Jehovah was stylish and properly stentorian"
-The New York Times

“…barihunk…provided incisive singing and characterful acting”
-Gay City News

“…sang the role of the depraved Don with smooth confidence.”
-Scarsdale Inquirer

“…with his resonant, strong baritone, was convincingly caddish and highly attractive as her rapacious papa."
-Opera News